Monday, May 28, 2012


I was able to stop in Madagascar on my way home to Germany from Australia and spend a few days with my two little sisters before we headed back to our respective corners of the world. We travelled up into the highlands, crowded onto local buses and ate at street stalls. Maybe again one day.


Photo courtesy Sean Rogers
I had the privilege of staffing the last Marriage of the Arts Discipleship Training School and I wrote a little thing for the upcoming school students.

DTS is:

A laying down of expectations; of rights and a taking on of dreams; of destiny. It's a 7 month date with the divine- a deepening of a relationship with an ever present God who is not afraid of commitment and almost certainly won't take you to a bad movie. It's a meeting of minds, of hearts and souls. It's His Kingdom colliding with our reality. It's prayer, 'yeah' prayer- a conversation with someone able, willing, wanting to share His thoughts and then act on them. It's worshipping; bare feet, a crowded room. It's a high stakes game of faith where you already have the winning hand. You'll change beds, countries, attitudes and your life. You'll bring luggage and leave without baggage. You will cry-tears of happiness, sorrow and empathy. It's a choice you'll have to make everyday: to wear grace, to be present, to push in, to stay hungry, to value humility. It's a decision you won't regret. It's written into your history; it's part of your plan. It's a question you have to answer, are you READY??

Thursday, May 17, 2012

 Way to make a person homesick, have a look at this video of the base made by my friends- Sean and Chad.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

THIS is a link to a little write-up on the editor of the Moldovan magazine 'Escape'.

Escape magazine is-

"...a tool for forming a positive worldview among the young generation. We proclaim our anti-glamour and anti-consumerist movement, which we named ‘Simple Style’.
We convince teens that their value is not in their bank account, that they are not obligated to have all ‘new’ and ‘lastest’. Love and friendship is not for sale. We attract their attention instead to arts, education, contemporary music, their talents and strong families."